"I know my military history pretty well, and I cannot thlnlc of an In- stance, especially when tho clever- ness and determination of the enemy Is taken Into account, In which troops were placed hi aucb a difficult po- sition, nor can I think of an Instance In which HO mucli depended on the standing fatt of one division. Fire Chief Glenn E. W. pregnancy miracle Of course, we all know be must bo a very busy man, and what we appre- ciated most of nil absence of uny appearance of lurtte, and the Impression IIP gave wan that the most Important thing he had to do Mas to talk to us boys. " Why He Is Adored. It is rated a -point favorite. Indeed, no, said Lady Onler, and forthwith despatched a telegram Inviting the parent to be her gticht during her f tay in Oxford. FULLY MODEHK temperance hotel